Thursday 15 January 2015

Film poster inspiration

I think this film poster is similar to the look of the one that my group are looking to produce. The focus on the eye, shows the main aspect of the narrative is centered around eyes. However, the use of the hand gives the film a dystopian nature, and shows that the genre of film is horror. I will want the genre if our film to be clear from looking at the poster, so the use of washed out colours enhances the horror theme. Likewise, the font used on this poster is simplistic and bold, leaving the focus of the poster to be on the word "EYE" and with the image of the eye. Similarly, with only one leading actress's name, this suggests that the movie is more story line focused, rather than on the stars of the film. The audience are given a restricted view in this image, making them want to watch the movie to find out more about it. This is also a technique which I would like to include in our own movie poster, as it entices the audience.

This film poster has a very short and snappy tag line, which draws the audience into the film. This is an idea that I would like to include in our film poster, as it intrigues the audience into finding out what the narrative is. Similarly, this film poster uses a typography for "the return" which is hypnotic and sketchy. This heightens the paranormal aspect of the film, making it obvious to the audience what genre this film is. Likewise, the colour scheme is washed out and dark. This also enhances the horror aspect of the film, as the face that is featured shows connotations of the dead and by featuring the hand in the eyeball. All of these aspects leave questions unanswered about the film, which is also an idea I would like to include in our horror film poster.

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