Tuesday 24 March 2015

Questionnaire results analysis

From our questionnaire, the predominant audience we gathered responses from was 18-24 year old females. Although the mixture is nearly even with 50/50, suggesting that the audience for this appeals to both males and females equally. The second most popular age range was 17 and younger. This suggests that this audience are most likely and interested in a new movies. Horror was the joint second with action, of the most popular genre of films that the results came back with. For the question, "what is your favourite sub-genre of horror?" the most popular one was psychological horror. The least popular choice was the killer/slasher horror. The most consistent response to our film synopsis is that it was a well thought out narrative, and they liked the cliffhanger at the end. another interesting response was that the ending leaves it open to a sequel. when asked whether they would watch a film that has been labelled the scariest movie of all time. The most popular response was "possibly" suggesting that they might watch it depending on whether they get into the narrative once they start watching it. The majority of the responses , 41%, agreed that they are more inclined to watch a film after seeing the trailer. This tells me that a good trailer is key, as it needs to be intriguing for the audience to make them want to watch the movie to find out more. 

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